maandag 16 februari 2015

911d in Court by Ken Timmerman and Zakeri a “Fabricator of Monumental of /911 Scandal, Forged Documents 
In this Investigative Report, we will examine some of the documents used in the 9/11 case Havlish, et al. v. bin Laden, et al., where Iran was accused of supporting the 9/11 attacks. We will show that some of the documents

and evidence used in court and given to Kenneth Timmerman and used in his book were forged and fabricated by Hamid Reza Zakeri.  One of these documents titled “The Smoking Gun”, in Timmerman’s book called “Countdown to Crisis” and also used in court, is indeed a fabricated document from another fabricated document. Furthermore, we will analyze other documents published by these individuals in the media and on websites and prove they were also fabricated and are nothing but lies. The reason these fabricated documents were not noticed by some of the officials in court was because the officials based their decisions  on the English translation of the documents. However, those experts who have endorsed these documents need to be held accountable for either their misconduct or their participation in the forgery. The CIA never took either of these individuals i.e. Zakeri or Timmerman seriously and has labeled Zakeri as “fabricator of monumental proportions” and told Timmerman to stay away from that fake story. However, Timmerman, as of this day not only has not stayed away from Zakeri but he has been trying to promote Zakeri more and has had a very cozy relationship with him up to today.   After all, he has written a book called “Countdown to Crisis” whose main source has been no one but Zakeri and this book was one of the best sellers at one point.  Providing false documents to a federal court has to be investigated by the law enforcement agencies and in this case, by the United States federal court.  We believe all documents used in the court should be re-examined by an independent body.  We submitted this report to Judge George B. Daniels ‘s office and other law enforcement agencies in the United States on August 19th, 2013. Fabricated Document by Zakeri and Used by Timmerman in his book page 320 as “The Smoking Gun” and in the Court Havlish vs. Al-Qaedah Intelligence Failure The American Intelligence failure of the 9/11 attacks gave rise to some individual, political, and media opportunists to fish from the troubled water, blaming the CIA and then push their own agenda of polarizing the American society and profiting from this failure.  A prime example of this was noticed in the 9/11 trial in Hamburg, Germany where Judge Rühle had to disqualify some witness testimonies and throw out false and fabricated evidences by some witnesses such as Hamid Reza Zakeri, a main source used in Ken Timmerman’s book and testimonies.  The reason given by the judge for throwing out those evidences was that they were trying to profit from it and also that the evidences were false and Zakeri was a liar.  Another example was in the 9/11 Commission Report where none of the three witnesses Ken Timmerman wanted to testify were even interviewed due to their credibility issues and conflict of interests.  However, in the recent 9/11 case ruling in Havlish,   et   al.   v.   bin  Laden,   et   al., on December 15, 2011 in Manhattan, the New York U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels ruled that Iran and Hezbollah materially and directly supported al Qaeda in the September 11, 2001 attacks and are legally responsible for damages to hundreds of family members of 9/11 victims who were plaintiffs in the case.  This was a big win for Timmerman and his team and they were happy to celebrate this victory.  Now we know that the ruling was partly based on forged documents and false testimonies by the same people whose credibility and honesty were questionable before and were thrown out since they were considered not credible. Background: September 11 attack of 2001 lead to the formation of the “9-11 Commission” on November 27, 2002 (442 days after the attack) and their final report was issued on July 22, 2004 known as ”The 9/11 Commission Report” which is 567 pages.  The report clearly indicated that Iran was not aware of the 9/11 attack.  On page 241 of the report, this fact is clearly stipulated: “We have found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning, for what later became the 9/11 attack.  At the time of their travel through Iran, the al Qaeda operatives themselves were probably not aware of the specific details of their future operation.” On December 23, 2011 a federal district court in Manhattan entered a historic ruling that revealed new facts about Iran’s support of al Qaeda in the 9/11 attack (See the file). U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels ruled that Iran and Hezbollah materially and directly supported al Qaeda in the September 11, 2001 attacks and are legally responsible for damages to hundreds of family members of 9/11 victims who are plaintiffs in the case.  Two of the expert witnesses in this case were Kenneth Timmerman who is also known as an investigative reporter and his main source was Hamid Reza Zakeri. For this case Zakeri provided proof that Iran had materially aided and supported al-Qaeda before and after 9/11. Kenneth Timmerman On his website ( Kenneth Timmerman refers to himself as an investigative reporter.  He is also known by some as an Iran expert as is documented in the 9/11 trial, even though he has never been to Iran or has no knowledge of Farsi.  Timmerman has also written a book called “Countdown to Crises” published in June 2005 where he alleges that the CIA dropped the ball when an informant by the name Zakeri informed CIA in advance of the planned 9/11 attacks, but the CIA ignored him . Ken Timmerman’s Site To know Ken Timmerman and his investigative work in this regard, we believe we need to know more about his source of information and someone who is associated with him since the 9/11 attacks. When it comes to discussing the case, wherever you read Timmerman’s writings and postings on 9/11 or Iran, his main source pops up and you will also find similar writings by his source i.e. Zakeri on the same sites.  Timmerman has used Zakeri in various trials, postings, interviews, and writings.  Zakeri is also one of the mystery men in the Hamburg Trial, Timmerman’s book “Countdown to Crisis”, the 9/11 Case Halvish vs. OBL, and even Rafiq Hariri’s case (former Lebanese Prime Minister who was assassinated).  On his 400 page book, “Countdown to Crises”, Timmerman has referenced Zakeri’s name more than 65 times, excluding over hundreds of times refering to him as “He”, or “Him”, etc.  We can do a simple search of his book on without buying the book, to validate the above statements: Ken’s Book on Hamid Reza Zakeri Zakeri’s real name is “Ali Reza Soleiman Pak” based on a copy of temporary German passport we have obtained.  Unlike a geniune former intelligence agent, Zakeri has been using the fake name for years for  reasons other than his personal safety, which we will elaborate later on.  Ali Reza Soleiman Pak, pseudo name “Hamid Reza Zakeri” currently lives in Germany, but if you refer to his Facebook page, he has always pretended that he is living in Washington D.C. and is in close cooperation with the CIA, FBI, and other former agents and of course in close association with Ken Timmerman (only the last one is accurate).

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