In this Investigative Report, we will examine some of the documents used in the 9/11 case Havlish, et al. v. bin Laden, et al., where Iran was accused of supporting the 9/11 attacks. We will show that some of the documents and evidence used in court and given to Kenneth Timmerman and used in his book were forged and fabricated by Hamid Reza Zakeri. One of these documents titled “The Smoking Gun”, in Timmerman’s book called “Countdown to Crisis” and also used in court, is indeed a fabricated document from another fabricated document. Furthermore, we will analyze other documents published by these individuals in the media and on websites and prove they were also fabricated and are nothing but lies. The reason these fabricated documents were not noticed by some of the officials in court was because the officials based their decisions on the English translation of the documents. However, those experts who have endorsed these documents need to be held accountable for either their misconduct or their participation in the forgery. The CIA never took either of these individuals i.e. Zakeri or Timmerman seriously and has labeled Zakeri as “fabricator of monumental proportions” and told Timmerman to stay away from that fake story. However, Timmerman, as of this day not only has not stayed away from Zakeri but he has been trying to promote Zakeri more and has had a very cozy relationship with him up to today. After all, he has written a book called “Countdown to Crisis” whose main source has been no one but Zakeri and this book was one of the best sellers at one point. Providing false documents to a federal court has to be investigated by the law enforcement agencies and in this case, by the United States federal court. We believe all documents used in the court should be re-examined by an independent body. We submitted this report to Judge George B. Daniels ‘s office and other law enforcement agencies in the United States on August 19th, 2013.
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